Ekatvam Innovations awarded with the title of ‘Most Promising Solution’ for MIDAS

Ekatvam Innovations Pvt. Ltd., formerly Team Boond, is an early-stage social start-up incubated by the Digital Impact Square of TCS Foundation. Aiming to develop a multi stakeholder water management platform named ‘Model of Interactive Decision Assistance Simulator – M.I.D.A.S’ which will be used for village level water related decision making.
Ekatvam Innovations participated in the AIM-ICDK water challenge innovation. This challenge was placed to identify promising innovators from India, who could represent and form the Indian participation in the global Next Generation Water Action program hosted by International Water Association and Denmark Technical University. The challenge saw innovation submission from 400+ applicants and eventually identified a total of 10 Indian teams including 6 Student teams and 4 start-up teams from across the country.
As a part of the competition, Ekatvam Innovations were working on the challenge track provided by Ramboll which was ‘Developing innovation to help the informal sector to adapt to climate change’. In the final round, MIDAS was awarded as ‘The Most Promising Solution’ by the panel of water experts from Ramboll, Grundfos and International water association and has been provided with scholarships to participate in the International water congress 2022 which is to be held in Copenhagen.